
Digital Gallery Launch: Envisioning Sustainable Consumption

Join us on a gallery walk-through of artworks that envision sustainable consumption. We’ll hear from the organisations and artists around the world responsible for these inspiring pieces, and will take a moment to contemplate our own aspirations for a sustainable tomorrow.

This initiative is a collaboration between the Mistra Sustainable Consumption research program and Green Action Week, it brings together diverse voices to envision a sustainable world in 2030 and beyond. The artworks visualise ideas for eco-friendly living and responsible consumption. Join us on this inspiring journey where creativity meets environmental consciousness. Let these works spark your imagination and curiosity as we strive together for a greener, brighter future.

Participating organisations include Consumer Voice (India), IBON Foundation (Philippines), Consumer Unity & Trust Society (India), Colectivo Ecologista Jalisco (Mexico), The Network for Consumer Protection (Pakistan), Consumer Lebanon (Lebanon) and Mycelium Media Colab (South Africa). We will also hear from Åsa Svenfelt, initiator and research manager for the project which is part of Mistra Sustainable Consumption.

Register to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYrd-2rpj8jGtBPFEvIz53KDvakcBDuXbZL

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  • Datum:4 september 2024
  • Tid:13.00–14.00
  • Plats: ONLINE
  • Kategori:Digitalt möte/aktivitet


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