The global environmental movement – having the power to bring about change

Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) collaborates with environmental organisations across the world. We are part of a strong global environmental movement. Together, we work towards a functioning ecosystem, social sustainability and human rights. 
Here, you can read about our global programme. 


We can observe the changing climate already today in the form of natural disasters, droughts and changing weather patterns. Climate change affects the entire world, while people living in poverty tend to suffer the most.  

The energy sector currently accounts for almost two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, 800 million people lack access to electricity. That is why SSNC seeks to introduce 100 percent renewable energy systems in places where energy poverty has been eradicated.  

SSNC also works towards climate justice. This means that high-income countries with unsustainably high levels of emissions per capita must reduce their emissions. They also need to offer assistance in terms of funding and technology transfer to enable low-income countries to transition and carry out climate adaptations.  

Through SSNC’s partner organisations, people get engaged to reduce climate change and work towards the right to renewable energy.  

Tropical forests and agriculture 

Biodiversity is crucial for us humans to have access to food, water and other natural resources we need for our survival.  

Our tropical forests are currently under threat. Tropical rainforests serve as the home of indigenous peoples and local communities – while at the same time being crucial for the climate. This is because rainforests lock in large amounts of carbon otherwise released into the atmosphere as a result of deforestation. 

Agriculture also plays an important role with regards to biodiversity and the climate. It constitutes the main occupation in many low-income countries, while the majority of people living in poverty reside in rural areas. Today, about 800 million people in the world do not have enough food and global food supplies are further threatened by climate change.  

Together with our partner organisations, SSNC seeks to ensure food security. We want a form of agriculture that is agroecological; in other words, a type of agriculture based on local conditions, cyclical thinking and biodiversity. It also needs to be adapted to the effects of climate change.  

We seek to preserve natural forests and that the people living in and around these forests can have an impact on how they are managed.  

Marine ecosystems and small-scale fishing 

Water is vital for all life on our planet. Our oceans produce half the oxygen we breathe and serve as a thermostat for our planet.  

Millions of people are directly or indirectly dependent on fishing for their food and livelihood. But our oceans and marine life are seriously threatened by exploitation and industrial and unsustainable fishing. Climate change and pollution exacerbate the situation while also reducing marine biodiversity.  

Small-scale fishing operations and coastal communities must be involved in deciding how we manage our ecosystems. That is how we can protect and strengthen biodiversity in our oceans, mitigate the effects of climate change and contribute to a sustainable and equitable use of water.  

SSNC collaborates with our partner organisations to reduce the exploitation of coastal areas. We want to stop illegal fishing and ensure that the fishing methods used do not harm marine ecosystems.  

We seek to introduce fair, inclusive and transparent fishing policies, not only in the EU but also in low- and middle-income countries. Such fishing policies must respect the needs of the local population. They also need to take into account small-scale fishing and people’s right to food and having a livelihood.  

Environmentally sound people in sustainable societies 

In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the world has agreed on goals to save the planet and make a transition to sustainable societies. Consumption in rich countries is driving climate change and the emission of pollutants.  

Environmental toxins emitted in nature and societies deprive people of their right to health and life. They also destroy ecosystems. WHO estimates that 8 million people die each year as a result of air pollution. Pollutants are emitted as a result of everything from mining and energy production to consumer products and food production. 

Together with our partner organisations, SSNC seeks to promote sustainable consumer cultures and global consumer power. People living in poverty should have access to goods and services that reduce poverty while at the same time leading to a sustainable use of natural resources.  

We work towards a transparent and international chemicals management system that limits emissions of environmental toxins such as heavy metals, endocrine disruptors and PFAS. We want a chemicals management system taking the environment and people’s health into account.